Links to External Sites

People that use ASEME

Sismic library for Python (version 3.4 or higher) provides a set of tools to define, validate, simulate, execute and test statecharts. It is released publicly under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence version 3.0 (LGPLv3).

Kouretes is a Robocup Standard Platform Soccer League robot soccer team of the Technical University of Crete whose software is designed using ASEME.

The HERA project offers Home sERvices for specialised elderly Assisted living. The agent-based software part jointly developed by the Paris-Descartes University and SingularLogic SA has been designed using ASEME.

Agent Technology

Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents. The agent technology standardization body

Java Agent Development Environment, one of the best agent development platforms

Starting point for Agent technology

Java and Open Source Software links

Eclipse is an open source Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

A space where a large number of open source software is hosted. Everyone can create his own open source project there

A space where a large number of open source software is hosted. Everyone can create his own open source project there

Related Methodologies

Tropos proposes a software development methodology founded on concepts used to model early requirements.


Mrs Katerina Stagaki designed the new logo of ASEME. Great job Katerina, thank you!

Ms Shabana Shaikh prepared the responsive site template. Thank you very much Shabana, the site is fantastic!